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“miasmas miasmata”
1. Noxious exhalations from putrescent organic matter; poisonous effluvia, or germs polluting the air: There are some people in the past who thought poisonous atmospheres came from swamps and putrid matter; all of which caused diseases.
2. A thick, poisonous vapor or mist which is believed to be made up of particles from decomposing material that can cause illnesses and are identified by their foul odors: The people around the factory are concerned about the miasma that is coming from its chimneys through which smoke and gases are escaping.
3. Unhealthy vapors rising from the ground or from other sources: Shirley couldn't determine which was worse, the miasmas of the marshes or the miasmas of cigarette smoke in restaurants; because she considered both of them as pollutions of the air.
4. Any noxious environmental influences: There are miasmas of evil showing up in many parts of the world as indicated by terrorist attacks and other murders that are taking place.
5. Etymology: from Greek miasma, miasmatos, "stain, pollution" which is related to miainein, "to pollute".

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2. A thick, poisonous vapor or mist which is believed to be made up of particles from decomposing material that can cause illnesses and are identified by their foul odors: The people around the factory are concerned about the miasma that is coming from its chimneys through which smoke and gases are escaping.
3. Unhealthy vapors rising from the ground or from other sources: Shirley couldn't determine which was worse, the miasmas of the marshes or the miasmas of cigarette smoke in restaurants; because she considered both of them as pollutions of the air.
4. Any noxious environmental influences: There are miasmas of evil showing up in many parts of the world as indicated by terrorist attacks and other murders that are taking place.
5. Etymology: from Greek miasma, miasmatos, "stain, pollution" which is related to miainein, "to pollute".

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